Getting into fishing can be overwhelming for many new anglers. There are a wide variety of species to target, waterbodies and areas to fish and so much gear available for anglers to purchase. Where does one begin?
Fortunately, getting into fishing is easier than you think! There are a wide variety of species that are easily targeted across the region and numerous waterbodies that can be effectively fished by anglers on their own two feet. We outline everything you need to know to not only find where to fish, but also how to fish and be successful for a variety of species too!
Beginner Fishing Articles

It’s no secret that walleye is king in South Dakota, but many other fishing opportunities present themselves for anglers, especially in the spring. In fact, the excellent walleye fisheries are the reason many other terrific bites fly under the radar of many anglers.
Many of us think of fishing as a summer activity. Hot sun, warm breeze, and the crash of the waves on our favorite shoreline is what you may be envisioning right now and on a cold winter’s night it’s hard to blame you! Old Man Winter’s grasp can be hard to escape, but many anglers don’t just escape-they embrace it!

Ice fishing adventures don’t have to require great amounts of travel. In fact, many great fisheries are available right within local communities. When winter weather gets in the way of your travel plans, you can still enjoy a great time on the hard water. In fact, many of these local fisheries provide a brand-new opportunity during the winter months!

What if you’ve never wet a line and aren’t quite sure where to start? Fortunately, fishing is tradition in South Dakota and you’ll likely find friends and/or family that are eager to help you get out on the water. Even if you aren’t quite ready to set the hook yourself, here’s five easy ways for you to get involved in fishing-touching a fish not required!
Small Pond Strategies Series
Small ponds, lakes and dams are a favorite of anglers looking to get into the sport. Whether this is a farm pond, lake at a local park or a small dam in the middle of the prairie these waterbodies often have minimal fishing pressure and are a great place for new anglers to try their luck!
In this series, Nick Harrington breaks down how he approaches small ponds for both panfish and bass. These small ponds are dotted all across the country, yet are so often under-utilized by anglers. Find out how to identify and fish these ponds for whatever you’re after.
The first step in finding success on small ponds, is determining which ones are going to be the most worthwhile. In the first article, Nick breaks down everything to look for in a perfect panfish and bass pond. Learn more in Small Pond Strategies.
Many of these small ponds are filled with excellent populations of bluegill, crappie and even perch. Once you’ve identified the pond to fish, it is time to focus on the trophy caliber panfish that may be present. Learn more in Small Pond Strategies: Panfish.
The most popular game fish in America, largemouth bass are the true kings of many small ponds and lakes across the country. Find out how to target the most popular fish in the country in Small Pond Strategies: Bass.
Small ponds aren’t just for the open water season. In fact, many of these fisheries are best targeted through the ice! Find out how you can take advantage of these untapped fisheries all through the ice season in Small Pond Strategies: Ice.
Panfish Information
Panfish include species such as bluegill, crappie, yellow perch and yellow bass. These species are often eager to bite, fight hard and provide an excellent meal as well! Panfish are abundant across ponds, lakes and reservoirs across the country and anglers do not need to travel far to enjoy this bite!
Bluegill are one of the most common fish beginning anglers find in their catch, but bluegill remain a favorite of veteran panfish anglers as well! Bluegill are abundant across the country and can be caught in a wide variety of waters from small ponds to large, expansive reservoirs. We share everything you need to know to catch bluegill wherever you are fishing for them!
Veteran panfish angler, Chris Seylar, shares his secrets to staying on an excellent bluegill bite all year long in, Guide to Catching Bluegill Year Round.
Yellow Bass
An invasive species, yellow bass have become well established in the Iowa Great Lakes region. Fortunately, these fish are eager to bite and fun to catch for many anglers and have become a prime target of many panfish anglers in the area.
Chris Seylar has seen the effects of yellow bass first hand and details what you need to know about the species and also targeting them in, The Yellow Bass Invasion.
A panfish expert, Chris Seylar shares how he targets panfish on the Iowa Great Lakes throughout late spring and into early summer in the below video!
Other Species
White Bass
White bass are one of the best species to target for new anglers. White bass are a very aggressive fish that spends a great deal of time within a cast’s distance from shore and they are extremely hard fighting fish!
Check out the below video from Chris Hull with South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks that showcases everything you need to know about taking advantage of a white bass bite!
Catfish are another species that can be found across the entry country on a wide variety of waterbodies. Catfish are another species that are eager biters, hard fighting and can also make a great meal for anglers too!
Check out the below video from Kelly with South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks that shares the basics you need to know to get into catfishing!
Nick Harrington also has some experience catching catfish and shares the rig he deploys when targeting catfish!
One of Nick’s proven tactics for targeting catfish is inflating a nightcrawler with air. This produces a bigger profile in the water and will also float the worm off bottom. Learn more about how to inflate a nightcrawler!
Looking to learn more about catfishing, Chris Hull shares a glimpse of a day with a great catfish bite!
Other Fishing Information
Are you still looking for more information about getting into fishing? We’ve got you covered! Check out the below videos to continue learning more about fishing and be ready to hit the water!
Maggie with South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks shares a complete beginner’s guide for getting into fishing!
Your fishing line and knot is your connection to the fish! Jason Nelson with South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks shares everything you need to know about fishing line and knots!
If you’re successful out on the water and looking to make a meal, your next step is fileting your catch. Derek with South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks has everything you need to know about cleaning a fish!
Once you’ve got your meat, now it’s time to store your fish before you turn them into a meal! Derek with South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks shares everything you need to know about storing your fish!
Protecting our natural resources is key for ensuring we have great fisheries for the future. Jason Nelson with South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks shares how you can recycle your fishing line and keep our natural resources beautiful!