Category: Nick’s Tips and Tails

Fall is the time of year that walleye begin prepping for a long, stressful winter.  Much like a runner “carb loading” the night before a race, walleye feel the need to consume as much energy as possible in preparation for winter.  Energetic demands are even greater in females as they are also budgeting resources for egg production. These […]

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There have been a lot of advancements in the fishing tackle industry.  These advancements are making us significantly better anglers, but making tackle shopping much more stressful.  This article is going to detail the most over-looked aspect of fishing presentation.  That is line selection.   The majority of anglers don’t think about their line until something goes wrong at a critical moment.  The goal of this article is […]

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The summer time blues can hit even the most persistent anglers on the Missouri River.  With so much bait in the system, many anglers resort to tubing and other watersports until fishing can get better.  However, walleye dinners can occur on hot summer evenings as well.  For anglers looking to try these “cool” presentations, fish can be found at the end of their […]

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Bottom bouncing is an extremely versatile tactic that can work on nearly any body of water that walleye swim.  Consistent success with bottom bouncers requires a great deal of boat control, understanding of walleye behavior and the courage to break the mold of conventional beliefs.  Today I am going to discuss different approaches to selecting speeds to present at and how […]

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