Nebraska can really be broken down into two areas when it comes to fishing. The central and western portion of the state features the majority of the large reservoirs, while the eastern portion features more of the smaller reservoirs. The western area is also quite vast, with minimal population whereas the eastern portion features both […]

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Wehrspann Lake offers an excellent multispecies fishery in the Omaha area that has an interesting history. In late November 2016, Nebraska Game and Parks applied a rotenone treatment, which removed approximately 250,000 invasive gizzard shad. In addition to the shad there were 61 channel catfish, 51 walleye, 284 carp, 52 blue catfish, 2 largemouth bass, […]

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Whenever you hear an interview with an athlete that just won a championship, they often talk about the “long hours at practice and preparing” or something similar along those lines. There is plenty of truth to this, we often hear about how success comes from preparation and lack of preparation can result in failure. The […]

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