Category: Fish Biology

Bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus, are deep-bodied laterally compressed fish with a black spot on the end of their opercular flap, or gill cover. They have olive-green backs and usually have a blue or purple tint to their sides. Breeding males have orange on the flank as well. At adulthood, they are 4-12 inches.  They are commonly […]

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Scientific Name: Perca flavescens Common Name: Yellow Perch Nick Names:  Tiger Perch, Ring Perch, Slough Tiger Description Yellow perch have a shorter, more bulky build especially when conditions are right. They are known for their dark, vertical, tiger-like stripes and their bright orange pelvic fins.  These panfish have a very aggressive nature which is why […]

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Scientific Name: Sander vitreus Family: Percidae Common Name: Walleye Nick Names: White-tip, Marble Eyes, Grass Pike, Gum Pike, Walter etc Description Walleye have a long, slender body.  They are famous for their white-tipped tail, but also are known for their tapetum lucidum.  This is a part of the eye that is designed to capture all […]

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Sauger, Sander canadensis, have a fusiform, torpedo-shaped body and are green to grayish-brown in color with darker splotches on their body and a white belly. Coloration of these fish may change depending on the water and turbidity. They have spots on their dorsal fins. The first dorsal fin is spiny and the one behind it […]

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