The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) will be hosting a public meeting regarding the Lake Francis Case and Lewis and Clark Lake fisheries. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 19 at 7 p.m. CT.
This meeting will be held virtually through a Microsoft Teams link. This is the first type of meeting held via this format, which is set up to encourage individuals from across the region to be able to participate.
GFP fisheries biologist out of the Chamberlain office will be sharing an information presentation regarding the Lake Francis Case and Lewis and Clark Lake fisheries, before answering any questions from individuals at the meeting.
There were many individuals who had questions regarding the Lake Francis Case fishery this past season. These individuals are encouraged to come prepared to learn more about these fisheries and ask any remaining questions they may have.
The recording of the meeting will also be available on the GFP YouTube channel as well.