Another season is upon us! Open water fishing opportunities are here in South Dakota, and we’re eager to jump in the boat and hit the water!
This means our weekly fishing reports are also back! We’re proud to offer some of the best fishing reports across South Dakota, particularly as we focus on the Missouri River in Pierre! We hope you find these reports helpful and wanted to share all of the ways to follow along this season!
Below we break down all the locations you can find our reports, as well as bonus content, and what you can expect from each platform. Our fishing reports page, YouTube channel, Instagram, and Facebook all over a bit of unique information. We’re planning to have an exciting year, and we don’t want you to miss a thing!
Fishing Reports Page
The number one source for all fishing reports is our Fishing Reports page! This will have all the weekly updates as well as our season outlooks and forecasts.
We’ve also expanded upon our reports section for 2025. In addition to our traditional reports, we’re also offering a South Dakota Outdoors News, Reports, and Updates, Fishing Tournaments News, South Dakota Fisheries Focus, and Fishing Industry News pages.
Our goal is to continue to provide our traditional fishing reports, while also providing additional information and making it easier to find based on exactly what you are looking for! Whether you’re following along for tournament updates, want to know more what’s going on across South Dakota, or want to dive deep into the biology of fishing we have something for you!
YouTube Channel
Our YouTube channel also has all of our weekly fishing reports, but here you can find bonus content as well! Often times throughout the season there will be bonus reports posted as well as a number of tips and techniques that have been successful out on the water!
Follow Nick on Instagram
Nick Harrington’s Instagram, mrwalleyesd, is the best source for both the latest catches and behind the scenes content. Nick provides updates from the water, as well as behind the scenes from off the water, and also posts the most recent catches as they happen!
Follow Along on Facebook
The Lip Ripper Fishing Facebook page is the best way to make sure you don’t miss a report! Weekly fishing reports will be posted to the Facebook page, as well as videos and other articles. Follow along on Facebook and fill your feed with the latest fishing reports and tips!
We’d like to thank everyone who has supported us throughout the years! We hope you find our fishing reports, articles, and videos both useful and entertaining. We strive to provide the best fishing reports, tactical articles, and educational videos so please do not hesitate to reach out if you have ideas or suggestions on how we can improve! You can reach Nick at
Thank you again for the support and we hope you have an awesome 2025 season!