The spotlight is going to be on Lake Sharpe in 2025 and all signs point to the popular fishery being ready to have one of its best years in recent memory. Known for being a walleye factory, Lake Sharpe has produced an excellent supply of walleyes in recent years and is ready to meet the anglers’ demand for the coming season.
Lake Sharpe sits below Oahe Dam in Pierre and stretches approximately 80 miles to Big Bend Dam in Fort Thompson. A classic Missouri River reservoir, the upper third features many river characteristics, while the lower third of the reservoir acts predominantly like a lake. Covering approximately 60,000 acres the lower end can reach depths of 75 feet, whereas the common depths in the upper third are between 5-15 feet.
Each September, South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) fisheries biologists conduct their annual lake survey of the popular fishery. The combination of current and vegetation means GFP cannot sample the upper third of the reservoir, which focuses sampling methods in the lower ⅔ of the reservoir.
The results of the 2024 sampling are extremely positive, showing the second highest abundance of walleye since 2017. Survey results indicate an ample number of both 10-15 inch fish and 15-20 inch fish.
“The survey results reflect exactly what we saw as anglers throughout the 2024 season and that is great numbers of walleye in the reservoir,” said Nick Harrington, Owner of Lip Ripper Fishing. “Our catch rates were extremely high throughout the season, including both short and eater quality fish.”

The “eater” caliber fish, or fish between 15-20 inches, are what Lake Sharpe is known for and make it such a popular action fishery. Survey results indicate a strong number of these fish, with 32% of sampled fish exceeding 15 inches.
“We saw a lot of fish right at or just above that 15 inch mark in 2024,” continued Harrington. “While these fish are key, possibly even more important is there is a big group of fish coming up to replace them.”
Fisheries management revolves around three factors: recruitment, growth, and mortality. Recruitment is the number of fish entering the system to become available to anglers, while growth of these fish goes hand in hand with the health of a reservoir.
“One of the most important factors fisheries biologists look at is the size of walleye at age 3,” explains Harrington. “Generally speaking, you want to see those age 3 fish right about 15 inches in South Dakota and if you have that you can often see pretty consistent fishing.”
Each year, Lake Sharpe age-3 walleye hover right around this mark and this year is no different, with growth remaining consistent and fish just below that 15 inch average in 2024.
Hand in hand with growth is the condition of fish, or plumpness, which is measured in what fisheries biologists call Wr, or relative weight. A target Wr is often quantified at 80-90, with Lake Sharpe fish hovering right around that 80 mark for 2024. To be noted, fish in the upper third of the reservoir, particularly the tailrace below Oahe Dam, often enjoy smelt and other forage that flush through the dam and spend their lives eating and growing to large sizes. Due to the nature of sampling, these fish are not included in the overall value.

The driver of this growth, and predominant forage of the fishery, is gizzard shad. These gizzard shad survive South Dakota winters thanks to warm water springs and wells within Hipple Lake near Farm Island Recreation Area. Following winter, these shad will disperse throughout the reservoir and spawn throughout the Hipple Lake, Joe Creek, Iron Nation, and LaFramboise areas.
“Gizzard shad are incredible spawners, and can spawn multiple times throughout a season once water temperatures reach 55 degrees,” elaborates Harrington. “These gizzard shad produce numerous classes of young-of-the-year shad to keep fish fed throughout the growing season.”
The nature of the shad based fishery means an ample number of fish in the “eater” class category, but fewer numbers of fish over 20 inches.
“Shad are known for growing walleye quickly, but once those fish get into the ‘over’ category there is not a larger-body prey fish to grow these fish to trophy caliber sizes such as in Lake Oahe, which makes these fisheries unique,” reiterates Harrington. “That doesn’t mean there aren’t trophy caliber fish in Sharpe, they are just a bit more special when you find them.”

This all ties into the final element of fisheries management, which is mortality. For many Lake Sharpe fish, this comes in the form of being harvested by anglers. In 2024, fishing pressure increased since 2023, which is likely due to both the good fishing anglers experienced on Lake Sharpe and the difficult fishing on Lake Francis Case.
“The bulk of that pressure was likely down in the West Bend to Iron Nation area,” explained Harrington. “When fishing is difficult on the upper end of Lake Francis Case, many anglers in the Chamberlain area will transition up onto the lower end of Lake Sharpe.”
Wherever anglers fish on Lake Sharpe, harvesting their limit is the final cycle of the fishery.
“Each year we see new year classes coming through the ranks, they grow to 15 inches, are harvested by anglers, and the circle is complete,” details Harrington. “People say Lake Sharpe is a factory, and it truly functions like one.”
All of these factors should have anglers extremely excited for the 2025 season on Lake Sharpe, where both great numbers of fish and quality fish should be present in the reservoir.
“Last year’s abundance of fish right at 15 inches, as well as those just short, has me extremely optimistic we’ll be seeing some very quality eater caliber fish for 2025,” forecasts Harrington. “I’m excited to hit the water this year, and think we could have one of the best years in recent memory on Lake Sharpe.”
The combination of the second highest walleye abundance since 2017, 32% of fish above 15 inches, and strong year-classes working their way through the ranks should have every angler as excited as Harrington.
“This is the time to plan your trips to Pierre,” concludes Harrington. “Whether it’s a fishing trip, making your pheasant hunt a blast and cast, or your family vacation this is going to be a year you won’t want to miss out on!”

Lake Sharpe Paddlefish Population Growing
While walleye are the primary target of anglers on Lake Sharpe, a unique fishery is continuing to emerge on the Missouri River. In 2015, paddlefish were reintroduced to Lake Sharpe. GFP, working with the Gavins Point Fish Hatchery, has been able to stock 17,000-44,000 fish annually to jump start this population.
As these fish have survived and grown, they have been observed in the stilling basin, tailrace, and Hipple Lake areas. GFP biologists have been working to tag these fish since 2022, and while the total number of fish sampled has been relatively low the fish are in excellent condition.
Paddlefish observed in the reservoir are approximately 36 inches long and averaging about 14 ½ pounds. This comes in at a relative weight, Wr, of around 90, which means these are healthy, fat fish.
Efforts to continue to develop this fishery remain underway, with hopes in coming years a potential season may be an option for anglers.

Smallmouth Bass Fishery Remains Strong
The lower end of Lake Sharpe is known for being an excellent smallmouth bass fishery and this population is continuing to be studied by GFP fisheries biologists.
In 2023 1,831 smallmouth bass were tagged and an additional 1,609 were tagged in 2024. Initial tagging studies have indicated approximately 59% of bass were caught in the first year with 21% being harvested.
Anglers who are fortunate to catch a tagged smallmouth bass are encouraged to report their tag to GFP. This is a critical component of fisheries management and provides insight into the smallmouth bass population within Lake Sharpe.

2025 Sharpe Showdown Set for April 26-27
The third annual Lake Sharpe Showdown is set for April 26-27, 2025. This event is hosted by the Pierre Area Chamber of Commerce and put on by The Fishing Crew. The strong forecast for walleyes in Lake Sharpe should make this tournament an extremely exciting event.

National Walleye Tour Visits Lake Sharpe in 2025
Prior to the Sharpe Showdown, Lake Sharpe is going to be on the national stage. The National Walleye Tour will be launching out of Pierre April 24-25. This event replaced the previously scheduled season opener in Bismarck, North Dakota, which coincided with an excellent year for walleye anglers across the nation to have their eyes on Lake Sharpe!