The Off Shore Planar Board is a critical component of any trolling presentation. A planar board spreads your baits apart from each other, allows you to cover more water, and keeps your boat organized when trolling crankbaits for walleye.

Fish It Like Nick
‘I utilize an Off Shore Planar Board any time I am trolling crankbaits with more than two rods out,” says Nick Harrington, Owner of Lip Ripper Fishing. “My outside board rods prevent my baits from tangling and allows me to cover additional water I wouldn’t be able to without the boards.”
A planar board is exactly what it sounds like, a device used to plane your bait out away from the boat. Boards are sold separately by each side as their unique design manipulates water to get the board away from the boat as desired.
“Planar boards are especially critical when targeting suspended fish in clear water,” continues Harrington. “My board rods are always my shallowest option, as these are what can get those trophy caliber fish suspended over the deep water.”
Clear water walleyes can be boat shy, which is why having the highest baits away from the boat can trigger fish that may otherwise be deterred.

“Beyond just boat shy fish, in clear water fish can see for a significant distance so the farther my baits are away from each other the more water I am covering and more fish I am getting my baits infront of,” elaborates Harrington. “The more I can spread my baits out, the more confidence I have.”
Planar boards are easy to fish, simply utilizing two clips to attach to your main line. When a fish is on, be sure to keep the line tight in one hand while unclipping the board with your other.
“Planar boards not only make trolling easier but more effective,” concludes Harrington. “The Off Shore Planar Board is simple to use and makes your presentation simpler too.”
Get Geared Up to Catch More Walleye
Want to learn more about the gear we use when targeting walleye? Whether it’s on the Missouri River, Glacial Lakes region of South Dakota, western Nebraska reservoirs, or anywhere else across the Midwest we share our favorite baits and how we fish them on our Getting Geared Up page!