As the days get shorter, nights get longer, and air gets colder it’s easy to miss sunny summer days on the water or in the park. For many of us, we might even make it a New Year’s Resolution to spend more time outside this year, (which are often some of the easiest to keep for those curious!)
For students and young adults looking to start their careers, they can both maximize their summer and gain valuable experience by checking out an intern or seasonal position with South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP).

For students interested in a career in wildlife, fisheries, or park management, GFP internships and seasonal positions are the ideal fit. These positions have something to offer more than just for wildlife and fisheries students though!
Students interested in a career in teaching can get in the field (and in the park!) experience educating users through a naturalist position with their local park or Outdoor Campus. Customer service experience can be gained through a park management internship, or a seasonal gate attendant. There are also numerous technical skills in building and grounds maintenance, equipment operation, carpentry, plumbing, and more through conservation technician positions.

There are a wide variety of opportunities available across the state, whether it’s at a favorite park, somewhere new, or close to home there is an abundance of opportunities for both internships and seasonal positions with GFP. It’s easy to both build a resume and spend time outside with these positions! Learn more and find the perfect position at