Trolling crankbaits is an extremely popular technique for targeting walleye across all waterbodies and fisheries. This is for good reason, trolling crankbaits allows anglers to cover the most water, contact active fish, and is an extremely simple presentation as a whole. Despite it’s popularity, many anglers still do not take advantage of one of the greatest aspects that makes trolling crankbaits effective.
Walleye are commonly thought of as a bottom-oriented fish, which in many cases is correct. Time-tested techniques of pitching jigs, bottom bouncing, lindy rigging, and similar methods all focus on this characteristic of them to put fish in the boat. One aspect of walleye behavior many anglers fail to recognize, is walleyes, particularly large walleyes, also spend a significant amount of time suspending.
Walleye will suspend for a wide variety of reasons. The most common reason is this is where forage is holding and walleyes are forced to follow them. This is most common in the summer months, particularly in the middle of summer, when both forage and fish transition to deep water to find cooler temperatures and more comfortable conditions.

This is not the sole reason walleyes will suspend, many large female walleye will suspend over deep water adjacent to spawning areas prior to spawn. Female walleye will hold in this area while waiting for the time to be correct for their spawning ritual. These fish will go back to this area following spawn to recuperate.

The most effective way to target these suspended walleyes is by trolling crankbaits. The combination of lead core and line counter reels allows anglers to specifically target depths that walleyes are holding, whether this is halfway off bottom or even closer to the surface. Trolling crankbaits is a particularly effective technique as fish are often scattered.

When targeting suspended walleye, planar boards become a critical aspect of an angler’s arsenal. Even when fishing over deep water, such as 30 feet, walleyes may only be 10 to 15 feet down and particularly in clear water can be boat shy. Utilizing planar boards gives anglers the ability to target these fish without spooking them with the boat. In fact, if walleyes should slide out from the path of the boat they will often go towards where the baits are being presented.
Walleye are often commonly referred to as structure-oriented fish, which is also true. However, what many anglers fail to realize is that while they may relate to structure, it doesn’t necessarily mean they will be tied to this structure. For example, in the middle of the summer walleye may relate to deep submerged trees. These tree patches may be in 90 feet of water but top out at 30-40 feet.

While walleye may be relating to these trees, when they are active and feeding, they are often suspended above these treetops. In fact, many walleyes will only slide down into the timber to rest and often will not bite when down there. Anglers often have this misconception and drop their baits into the trees, pulling them below the fish that are most willing to bite. While fish can be caught, anglers are missing the highest percentage fish.
Trolling crankbaits is an excellent way to cover large flats, basins, and expansive areas, but anglers also need to recognize crankbaits are an excellent way to target suspended fish as well. Whether these suspended fish are in deep water adjacent to spawning areas, relating to deep water structure, or chasing bait suspended they are often some of the larger fish in the system. Savvy anglers recognize this and incorporate crankbaits to target these particular fish. Good fishing!

Learn More About Trolling Crankbaits
We have an entire series available to help you become a better angler when utilizing crankbaits. Find the full series and become a better angler below!
Selecting Crankbaits for Trolling
Whether you are walking through the local tackle store, ordering baits online, or even scrolling your social media feed you’ll encounter hundreds, if not thousands, of baits you can utilize for trolling crankbaits for walleyes. So many baits yet you can only tie on one to each rod at a time, how do you decide? The most efficient anglers select baits based on three criteria: profile, size and color. Take a deep dive into how these components factor into your bait selection and you’ll spend less time tying new baits and more time catching fish!
Mastering Boat Control for Trolling Crankbaits
While many anglers may get wrapped up in hot colors, secret spots, magic baits, and the time of the moon rise the best anglers are going to be focused on a much less glamorous, but more important aspect of their presentation-boat control. Whether you are bottom bouncing, dragging jigs, casting crankbaits, or trolling crankbaits mastering boat control is critical to success.
Benefits of Planar Boards
Trolling crankbaits is a popular way to target walleye throughout all of the open water months. Regardless what time of year you’re trolling crankbaits, an important component of your trolling program is a planar board. Planar boards serve a variety of purposes and when deployed properly, will help you crank more fish into the boat.