Lake Sharpe is another reservoir on the Missouri River that is a walleye factory. The Pierre area can quietly hold some of the best fishing along the river, while areas like Chamberlain and Mobridge can draw more attention. Make no mistake though, the fishing can be fantastic all along Lake Sharpe.
The 2022 season is looking good for Lake Sharpe. Early season fishing has been very good, with plenty of fish in the 15-16 inch range and 17-19 inch range as well. Nick Harrington and Mason Propst have both been finding success along the reservoir through the winter and early spring, with both expecting the bite to continue to get better as the season progresses.

In the Pierre area, fishing excels on the river from January-May, before transitioning up to Lake Oahe for the summer months. In the fall, fishing on Lake Sharpe is popular again beginning from September and up until the snow begins to fall and temperatures plummet.
Lake Sharpe and Lake Oahe were recently featured on the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Podcast and Blast. Mike Smith, fisheries biologist from the Pierre office, discussed what to expect on both reservoirs including everything from water levels to forage availability to what sort of fishing anglers should expect to see this year.
Lake Sharpe presents an excellent opportunity for anglers to enjoy terrific action fishing while putting stringers of eater class walleye in the boat. In addition to terrific walleye fishing, Lake Sharpe can produce excellent smallmouth bass fishing, gigantic white bass, numerous channel catfish and even some of the biggest saugers that can be found in the area.
Whether you are looking to fish in the spring, fall or even get the boat out over the winter months Lake Sharpe has something for you! Expect good numbers of eater class fish with plenty of action to keep you entertained. Don’t get let the two reservoirs above and below overshadow this special fishery!